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Health News-Winter ‘03
Prepared By The Burdi Chiropractic & Massage Group
(Dr. G. Burdi, D.C., Q.M.E. & Sherree’ Burdi, M.T.)

(A "Light-Force" Adjusting, Massage & Wellness Facility.)

Dr Burdi & wife, Sherree'

Work Injuries - Many changes without public input are being made by CA legislators to supposedly curtail the high Workers' Comp costs. Unfortunately the medical organization have  lobbyists putting focus on cuts in chiropractic care, such as the 24-visit limit on chiropractic or physiotherapy treatments unless the insurance adjuster approves more, which is unlikely since most are medically orientated. Resulting focus will be on medications and surgery. All patients need to write NOW to their governor and congressmen stating your success story and urging them to support cost effective chiropractic care. Even though Governor Schwarzenegger is pro-chiropractic, cuts are being forced through congress. Workers need your support.


Dog drinking toilet waterWater Needed! Again I point you to a fascinating book, "Your Body’s Many Cries For Water" by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., illustrating how vital drinking 2-1/2  quarts of water each & every day is after dealing with many diseases. He points out that: Morning Sickness is a fetus’ way of telling mom she/he is thirsty! By the time our mouth gets dry, severe dehydration has occurred. With aging the dry mouth tendency for telling us the body is thirsty decreases. Alzheimer’s disease may begin because an older person loses the sensation to drink water and their brain dehydrates, misfires, and shrivels up. Dry skin can also result from lack of water. The brain takes 20% of the water you drink for it’s own purposes. The rest of the body is on a priority basis. The heart and circulatory system have a higher priority for water than say our skin. Drinking soda or coffee gradually leaches water out of your system. Look at all the sodas people drink! The book poses an interesting question. We’ve known forever that our bodies are made of 75% water and 25% solid substance. This is not "food" for thought, but water for life! Drink up! (Changes our patients have noticed in just two weeks: Elimination is smooth and easy; skin is no longer dry, but very soft; and bumpy pimply skin on back of arm has disappeared. Try it & be prepared to urinate frequently in the beginning until the body realizes you are serious about having enough water.)

Painful ouchCramps, be gone! No need to suffer from menstrual cramps. Over the past 24+ years, many of our female patients have obtained relief by re-establishing spinal alignment with adjustments and diathermy physiotherapy. If treated on the first day of the menstrual cycle when pain is the highest, many times the cramps are minimal or gone within the hour. Plus succeeding months the cramps are minimal as long as spinal alignment is maintained.



Dr BurdiDOCTOR’S CORNER: Warts – Many people experience these annoying skin conditions. To get rid of them, first determine what kind they are, like common, plane or seborrheic types. Going to the library/internet or consulting with Dermatologist helps. If found to be the benign type (most are), then normally it is burned or frozen off by the Dermatologist. An alternative way is to tie a string tightly around the base of the wart to cut off the blood supply coming from the roots. One patient found a big wart cluster on the tongue after sucking on old lozenges. Within 6 days with the string tied tightly at its base the wart fell off leaving a hole where the roots had been. It took a week or two before the hole filled in with tissue. This also worked on a patient with warts (tagged type) under the arms. And it was painless and left no scars!

Balls lined up

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